90th Birthday Badge Design

Date(s) - 24/10/2018 - 21/12/2018
All Day

Frylands Wood Scout Outdoor Centre is 90 years old in 2019, to celebrate we would like your youth members to design our birthday badge. You’ll find our template on PDF in the link below which contains all the information on how to enter along with ideas.

The Prizes:
1st Place: Appear in our annual newsletter with your badge design, Winner’s Trophy and Certificate,
Frylands Wood goody bag, plus an activity session of your choice for your current group.
2nd Place: Appear in our annual newsletter with your badge design, receive a Frylands Wood goody

Need to Know:

  • We are looking for young people who have attention to detail, artistic flair and can represent a theme using a simple design.
  • The winning badge design will be chosen by a panel of specially selected people who will send your badge off to manufacture.
  • Entries must be received by Friday 21st December 2018 and winners will be announced in Early January 2019.
  • Designs by youth members under 18 only, will be considered.

Entry Forms can be downloaded below.